About Us

Dr.Paul Thomas is a committed educationist who has done doctoral degree in Educational Psychology and a Business Development Expert with International experience. He did his thesis in “the Influence of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) in Academically Poor Students”.

Paul is a Certified International Trainer and Verified Trainer of NLP; he is also an expert in Gestalt Therapy. He specializes in the Mind body connection. Paul is also an analyzer of Dream and Head of accreditation for the Premier Organization for NLP, Professional Consultancy, Counseling, Education and Business Development, “Mind’s Eye Consultancy”. He began his career with the Microsoft Corporation. He is a Professional Consultant, Inspirational Speaker, Facilitator, Family, Student and Individual Counsellor, and an Effective Public Speaker. He has proven his efficiency in one to one coaching and Peak Performance Strategist

Inspiration doesn't interrupt you; it's something that has to be pursued. We all must feed our minds and make conscious choices about how we direct our thoughts, energy, and focus; otherwise, the demands, so called negativity and inevitable distractions of the day will take over.

To do this effectively, we need a system—a daily ritual that will ensure we're taking control of our focus, learning new tools and proven strategies to make a difference, and taking action to create momentum and produce results.

Dr. Paul Thomas turns personal development and professional achievement into a step-by-step process that will help you identify what it is you really want, what's preventing you from getting it, and how to break through any barriers to take action and transform your life forever. And he delivers it with a level of passion, power and playfulness that makes this personal development coaching process not only moving, but thoroughly enjoyable.

If you're serious about really making a change, and you want to enjoy the process, these programs are not a 'should,' they are a 'must.' It all starts here.

What is Gestalt Therapy ?

Gestalt therapy is a type of therapy used to deepen our awareness of ourselves and our feelings in a less intellectual manner than the more traditional forms of therapy. "Gestalt" means the whole; it implies wholeness. In any experience or interaction there are feelings in the foreground and in the background.

The idea in Gestalt therapy is that all of us have had to repress or suppress aspects of ourselves because they were not accepted or supported. It is these aspects of ourselves or our feelings that end up in the background and can become unfinished business. Gestalt therapy can help shed light on unfinished business by helping us to focus our awareness on our feelings (or lack of feelings) moment to moment. Once we recognize our unfinished business,( i.e. uncomfortable feelings, stuck patterns of behavior, or ways in which we perceive ourselves and others that are based on our experiences as opposed to reality), we are better equipped to understand ourselves and to choose whether we want to make changes or not.

One method utilized in Gestalt therapy is the empty-chair technique. This is a simple tool in self-exploration and is clearly explained in an excerpt taken from the Internet.

When you go see a Gestalt therapist, the office will usually have an extra chair--an empty chair. This chair serves an important function. The therapist may ask you to imagine holding a conversation with someone or something imagined to be in the empty chair. Thus, the "empty chair technique" stimulates your thinking, highlighting your emotions and attitudes. For example, the therapist may say, "Imagine your father in this chair (about 3 feet away), see him vividly, and, now, talk to him about how you felt when he was unfaithful to your mother".

There are innumerable other people, objects (your car or wedding ring), parts of your personality (critical parent, natural child, introversion, obsession with work), any or your emotions, symptoms,(headaches, fatigue), any aspect of a dream, a stereotype (blacks, macho males, independent women). and so on that you can imagine in an empty chair. The key is a long, detailed, emotional interaction--a conversation. You should shift back and forth between chairs as you also speak for the person-trait-object in the other chair. This "conversation" clarifies your feelings and reactions to the other person and may increase your understanding of the other person.

If you imagine anything in the other chair that gives you difficulty, e.g. a person upsetting you, a hated assignment, a goal that is hard to reach, a disliked boss or authority, a temptation to do something wrong, keep in mind that this person or desire is really a part of you right now--it is your fantasy, your thoughts. You may disown it, even dislike it, and think of it as foreign to you, like a "mean old man", "the messed up system", "Bill, the self-centered jerk", " a desire to run away", "the boring stupid book I have to read", etc., but obviously the things said and felt by you in both chairs are parts of you here and now. Your images, memories, emotions, judgments, expectations about the other person or thing are yours! You have created this image that upsets you (although it is probably based on some external reality). And this conflict exists inside you; it's of your own making; it's yours to deal with.

As long as you believe, however, that the trouble lies with someone or something else--your family, the stupid school, society, "men"/"women", not having enough money, your awful job--you will do very little to change. You just complain and feel frustrated. Someone else is seen as responsible for solving your problem. As Fritz Perls would say, "That's crap! Assume responsibility for your own difficulties, own them, explore them--all sides, feel them to the fullest, then make choices and find your way out of your own messes".

The Gestaltists (Stevens, 1973) point out that we are usually identified with only one side of an internal conflict. If we can get in touch with both sides--own both views--the difficulty can be resolved without force, the solution just unfolds naturally. Some examples may help: As mentioned before, in self-improvement what you want to be often conflicts with what you are. Forcing yourself to improve involves becoming preoccupied with changing and /or with failing. You are unable to fully experience and accept what you are here and now. If, instead, you were able to experience all of your feeling and conflicting wants, then reasonable choices will supposedly be made to meet your needs without "force'. "willpower". or "determination". I doubt that awareness always results in effortless resolution for conflicts and growth, as Gestalts therapists claim, but certainly it is more helpful to be aware than ignorant.

Another common conflict frequently emerges if you imagine yourself in the empty chair and try to describe yourself. Try it-- Notice if your description became critical. Gestaltists refer to a part of our personality called our "top dog" and another called our "under dog". The top dog is critical, demanding, controlling, pushing for change; the under dog feels whipped, pushed around, weak, resentful, tense and undermines top dog by playing helpless," I can't do that. Can you help me?" It is important to know both parts well. You are responsible for both. Their differences can be worked out; both are trying to help you.

The term "hypnosis" comes from the Greek word hypnos, meaning "sleep." Hypnotherapists use exercises that bring about deep relaxation and an altered state of consciousness, also known as a trance. A person in a deeply focused state is unusually responsive to an idea or image, but this does not mean that a hypnotist can control the person's mind and free will. On the contrary, hypnosis can actually teach people how to master their own states of awareness. By doing so they can affect their own bodily functions and psychological responses.

When something happens to us, we remember it and learn a particular behavior in response to what happened. Each time something similar happens, our physical and emotional reactions attached to the memory are repeated. In some cases these reactions are unhealthy. In some forms of hypnotherapy, a trained therapist guides you to remember the event that led to the first reaction, separate the memory from the learned behavior, and replace unhealthy behaviors with new, healthier ones.

During hypnosis, your body relaxes and your thoughts become more focused. Like other relaxation techniques, hypnosis lowers blood pressure and heart rate, and changes certain types of brain wave activity. In this relaxed state, you will feel at ease physically yet fully awake mentally and may be highly responsive to suggestion. Your conscious mind becomes less alert and your subconscious mind becomes more focused. Some people respond better to hypnotic suggestion than others.

  • Would you like to get rid of some emotional baggage?
  • Are you bothered by negative emotions?
  • Would you like to gain emotional control of your life?
  • Have you ever been in a situation where someone told you that you have overreacted to a situation but you disagreed?
  • Would you like to get clarity on what you really want in your life?
  • Have you ever set goals for the future and had them not happen?
  • Would you like to discover how to visualize your future so it’s more compelling, motivating and exciting for you?

The sum total of our life experiences and the memories associated with them impact on how we approach our lives now, day to day. It’s “the stuff” from the past that keeps us less than fulfilled and stops us from achieving the results we want.

Time Line Therapy uses the individual own internal “Time Line” by working with their Unconscious Mind in a number of ways which include healing emotional traumas and eliminating unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviors in minutes rather than days, months or years. Time Line Therapy means that finally, you can have freedom from your past allowing you to have your future by design.

We provide executive search, training and other human resource consulting services, and also do conduct the proper mystery visit.

The uniqueness of Mind’s Eye Consultancy is that we are a value differentiating Executive search firm providing hiring placements services and understand and recognize the growing challenge complexity in recruitments and is positioned to provide you, premier services and solutions in this space. We also provide services in other areas of Human Resource such as Training, employee satisfaction surveys and Consulting.

Mind’s Eye Consultancy brings unique value differentiation through its team's deep years of industry, management Leadership experience in several sectors and business processes makes hiring, executive search, placements and training a completely different experience

A retreat is a withdrawal from ordinary activities for a period of time to commune with God in prayer and reflection. Jesus spent forty days in the desert in prayer and fasting before entering his public ministry. In the early Christian era, the desert, mountains and other remote areas provided places for prayer. Later, people sought solitude in monasteries and convents. In the late 16th century, retreat houses were established and continue to operate today. The liturgical season of Lent with its emphasis on prayer, fasting and almsgiving prepares us for the celebration of Easter.

A retreat might be designed around a theme of scripture or some spiritual writing that seems suited to the needs of the individuals involved. The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola enable retreatants to consider creation, repentance for sin and redemption.

They contemplate the life of Christ, his passion and resurrection. Through prayer and discernment they come to a realization of and surrender to God's great plan of salvation in Christ. This structure follows the three traditional ways of spiritual growth: the purgative, and the illuminative way.

In most retreats, some degree of silence is maintained and there is an emphasis on the practice of a healthful lifestyle in regard to food, relaxation, and exercise. Many enter a retreat in order to make a serious decision or commitment, or to take the opportunity to examine the quality of their spiritual lives. Retreatants hope for a deeper conversion, purification, and spiritual growth.

Counseling psychology focuses on providing therapeutic treatments to clients who experience a wide variety of symptoms. It is also one of the largest specialty areas within psychology. The Society of Counseling Psychology describes the field as "a psychological specialty [that] facilitates personal and interpersonal functioning across the life span with a focus on emotional, social, vocational, educational, health-related, developmental and organizational concerns."

As a recognized catalyst for developing systems and strategies for accelerated and lasting transformations in individuals worldwide, Dr. Paul has been sought after by psychologists and psychiatrists for training. Paul, created almost ten years ago the Mind’s Eye Consultancy for Strategic Intervention, which produces programs for the therapeutic community.

Choose any one of his wide range of trainings and give it an experience. In less time than you might expect, you'll certainly discover yourself thinking, feeling, and performing differently. You'll produce results that you couldn't imagine yourself attaining, and you'll discover the power of momentum in your own life. Listening to Dr. Paul, you feel as if you have a friend who knows you better than you know yourself, who sees more greatness and potential in you than you ever thought possible, and who inspires, leads, and pushes you to create the outstanding life you desire and so richly deserve.

Dr. Paul is blessed with vast experience in Training, Counselling, one to one coaching and Sales. Worked in different MNC companies across the continents Microsoft, Oracle, Al Alamiah Electronics, etc… Consultant and Trainer for different MNC Companies, Corporate, Institutions and Organizations.

Mind’s Eye Consultancy offers you risk free trainings for there's no risk to you, because every program comes with its own money-back guarantee; this is how much we believe in our programs and how certain we are you'll produce the results you desire if you implement the strategies you learn.

Give Dr. Paul a week—while you're running, on your way to work, or in your home—and let Dr. Paul Thomas coach you to engage the power of momentum to transform your life.

NLP For Family Life

NLP for Business

NLP For Education

7 Stages

NLP Basic Accredited Certification

NLP Master Practitioner

NLP Verified Master Practitioner

NLP For Health

NLP For "Fruits Of The Spirit"

NLP For Psycho-Spiritual Integration

Train The Trainer Certification Training